Speaking of Energy it is needed to be clear and accurate.
This is the reason why we, Contact Italia, cared of being as clear as possible in giving every kind of information, the technical ones in particular. But, if you didn’t receive any answer to your request yet, please tell us here!
Fill the form paying attention to enter your personal informations and to explain all your necessities.
According to your need, we will find the most suitable resource to help you and we will give you an answer within 24 hour at the latest.
Operational Headquarters: SP 157 C.S. 1456 C.da Grotta Formica
70022 Altamura (BA)
Social netowrk links
Other contacts
Do you have billing questions or communications intended for the Accounting Department?
Write to: contabile2@contactitalia.it
Would you like to send us your resume to submit your application?
Write to: lavoro@contactitalia.it