Nylon ties

Cable ties made of polyamide (PA6.6) in white for indoor applications and black for outdoor applications. The hooking system between the tooth and the rack allows the fixing of various diameters.
Easily installed manually. In case of application with the use of a tool, it is recommended to adjust the tool tension proportionally to the size of the clamp.

White Code Black Code A (mm) B (mm)
FC08025B FC08025N 80 25
FC10025B FC10025N 100 25
FC14025B FC14025N 140 25
FC16025B FC16025N 160 25
FC20025B FC20025N 200 25
FC15036B FC15036N 150 36
FC20036B FC20036N 200 36
FC25036B FC25036N 250 36
FC30036B FC30036N 300 36
FC37036B FC37036N 370 36
FC16048B FC16048N 160 48
FC20048B FC20048N 200 48
FC25048B FC25048N 250 48
FC30048B FC30048N 300 48
FC37048B FC37048N 370 48
FC43048B FC43048N 430 48
FC53048B FC53048N 530 48
FC20076B FC20076N 200 76
FC30076B FC30076N 300 76
FC37076B FC37076N 370 76
FC45076B FC45076N 450 76
FC53076B FC53076N 530 76
FC78076B FC78076N 780 76

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