The system allows the chained assembly of rows of horizontally oriented panels. The system consists of a basic profile on which are mounted two support kits for fixing the panels.

The front support kit has variable inclination, while the rear one has a fixed inclination.

The rear kit is equipped with a protruding fins for fixing of the windbreak carter and an internal retainer for the panel frame flush mounting.


Front and rear articulated and pre-assembled supports with 5°, 10°, 15° inclination (other inclinations on request).

Pre-drilled lower fins for mounting hammer head screws or plastic hooks

Protruding fins on the rear support for push-in mounting of the panel frame

Frame stop fins on lower support

Upper groove for mounting clamps


Base profiles for fixing supports and mats

The high NET profile (code PRC0535) with high inertia is suitable for areas with high wind load.
The low NET profile (code PRC0384) is suitable for areas with low wind load.

Upper groove for fixing supports

Upper side fins for support stability

Bottom fins for mat fixing

Side guides for threading joints and fixing with screws

System Features

  • Panel locking: long side
  • Panel inclination: from 5° to 30°
  • Panel orientation: horizontal


  • Easy panel assembly
  • Safety lever for panel frame retainer
  • Possibility of mounting panels up to 30°
  • Suitable system for high wind and snow loads


Assembly Example 10°


The jig consists of three spacers with two aluminium profiles. The special geometry of the jig allows the positioning of both the base profiles and the front and rear supports. It is possible to adjust the distance between the three spacer supports and consequently allows you to block the aluminum profiles with the two pre-assembled screws

A rubber mat is placed between the base profile and the ground with the purpose of absorbing the deformations of the structure and generate friction with the mantle coverage.

The mat is fitted to the aluminium base profile by snap-fitting serrations placed on the lateral side.The bottom surface is knurled to increase friction and at the same time favor the water outflow.

The additional weights are placed on a plastic ballast support with four protruding fins.to increase the contact surface.

Support presents also two side fins necessary to hold the concrete block avoiding overturning / translation due to wind load.

If the ballast has larger dimensions, to not be contained between the two fins, the support can be also supplied without them: in this case the friction between the support and the concrete block is increased by the presence of wedge-shaped protrusions on the flat part.

The individual front and rear brackets are attached to the base profile using two hammer-head screws. Alternatively, the UV-resistant polycarbonate hook can be used instead of a hammerhead screw.

In addition, the special hammer head shape allows the hook to be fixed to the base profile by inserting and turning the hammerhead into the groove.

A cross brace is used to stiffen the frame. It is connected to the various base profiles by means of a pre-assembled aluminium hook.

The latter consists of two pieces connected by a hammerhead screw. The two pieces lock the angle profile in place without the need to drill holes in it.
The bracing, mounted in pairs, also acts as a support for additional ballast, with the advantage of being able to shift the position of the fastenings thanks to the use of the pre-assembled hook.


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